Board of Supervisors Minutes

February 2010

February 2, 2010

The Fremont County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Tuesday, February 2, 2010, in the Fremont County Courthouse Boardroom with Hendrickson, Morgan and Larson present. A quorum was declared and the meeting officially called to order at 9:00 a.m. Minutes of the previous board session were read and approved. The agenda was approved as posted.

Let the records show Patricia Rengifo-Lant was present for this meeting.

At 9:00 a.m. Sheriff Kevin Aistrope met with the Board requesting board approval to purchase a new vehicle. Deputy Cassandra Hofich was also present. Aistrope said he went through his figures and should have $35,000 left at the end of the fiscal year. Hendrickson said the only problem he had with it is, you think you have the money, that’s fine, but three months from now you decide you don’t have enough money to make it to the 1st of July, there is no more money. Morgan said she felt the same way Hendrickson felt; she also did not like the money coming out of other lines to pay for a vehicle. After several minutes of discussion, Larson made a motion to approve the purchase of a vehicle. Morgan, aye; Larson, aye; Hendrickson, aye. Also present were Larry Barnard, Linda Cruickshank, Margaret Johnson and Edna Eaton.

Regarding personnel - running short of time, Morgan made a motion to table until next week. Larson, aye; Morgan, aye; Hendrickson, aye.

Aistrope said he was coming up short $2,500 on purchasing a drug dog. He said they would be getting the dog in two weeks and start classes March 1st. Morgan made a motion to approve $2,500 out of Local Option Tax/County Betterment to go towards the purchase of a drug dog. Larson, aye; Morgan, aye; Hendrickson, aye.

At 9:15 a.m. Lynda Cruickshank, with FREDCO, met with the Board to discuss per capita allotment to FREDCO pending 2010 Census. Also present were Larry Barnard, Margaret Johnson, Edna Eaton, John Walter, Roger Kissel, Pat Shull and John Whipple. There was some discussion as to whether the allotment was per capita or a membership fee. Cruickshank said they asked the cities based on population, but some of the cities were coming up short, so they didn’t ask them to make a contribution last year. Whipple said the way it was set up, the county’s share came out of rural services to offset what the cities paid per capita, trying to keep everything evened out so rural residents were not paying more than cities. Larson said if it is going to come out of rural services we would need a formula to follow. Morgan agreed that we stay with a formula as to where and why we are paying a certain amount. Morgan made a motion to pay the budgeted $5,650 to FREDCO from rural services. Larson, aye; Morgan, aye; Hendrickson, aye.

At 9:30 a.m. a Resolution Authorizing Disbursement of Hotel and Motel Tax Proceeds was discussed. Present were Lynda Cruickshank, John Walter, Larry Barnard, Margaret Johnson, Edna Eaton, John Walter, Roger Kissel, Pat Shull and John Whipple. FREDCO feels the county should take the 7% off the top of the 100%, then the remaining 93% be divided 50% FREDCO and 25% to the Welcome Center. Whipple said if they read the Iowa Code, 50% goes to tourism. Cruickshank said she feels a lot of what they do is tourism. Larson said he did not have a problem with the present formula; he thinks the county board spends more money on tourism than the other two groups. The past year every community that had festivities scheduled and came in to ask for help with marketing their event received $500 from the Local Option/County Betterment portion. Also, over the past couple of years $3,000 was spent for promotional ads for promoting Fremont County through Western Iowa Tourism, and $20,000 has been committed to the Rodeo Museum, all out of Local Option/County Betterment or Hotel/Motel Future Allocation. Larson said he did not see a need to change the formula and made a motion to approve the following Resolution 2010-11. Morgan, aye; Larson, aye; Hendrickson, aye.



WHEREAS, Iowa Code Chapter 432A allows the Board of Supervisors by resolution to impose and collect a hotel and motel tax in the unincorporated areas of Fremont County, and such authority was granted by a special election held on December 6, 2005; and

WHEREAS, proceeds from such tax are or will be received by Fremont County, Iowa, for economic development, tourism and recreation, as allocated by the Board,


That for the fiscal years of 2010-2011 through 2012-2013, monies received shall be disbursed as follows:

50% to Tourism/Recreation, to be allocated as follows:

a. 50% to Welcome Center
b. 50% reserved for future allocation.

50% to Economic Development, to be allocated as follows:

c. 86% to FREDCO
d. 14% to the general fund of Fremont County, Iowa.

Motion to approve was made by Larson.


/s/ Joan Kirk                                                                                                 /s/ Earl Hendrickson, Chairman     aye
Fremont County Auditor                                                                             /s/ Cara Morgan                               aye
                                                                                                                      /s/ Chuck Larson                              aye

Dated: February 2, 2010

At 10:00 a.m. Mike Crecelius, Emergency Management Coordinator, met with the Board to discuss the Emergency Management budget. Larson said his understanding is that the county should get reimbursed back funds from the EMPG Grant that Crecelius applies for. Crecelius said the county only gets back the portion the county puts in. If there is anything over that portion it goes into the Emergency Management Fund. Crecelius said when he puts in the paper work, he puts in that he is going to do certain things throughout the year. Each quarter he submits a report to them of what he has accomplished during this quarter, along with a copy of his expenditures from the Auditor’s Office, which they use to verify, and they use that as a base as to what they send back to him. Last year they did the first and second quarters all at once, which amounted to $13,000 or $14,000. Larson also does not think Emergency Management funds should be carried over. Mileage and raises were also discussed.

At 10:15 a.m. motion was made by Morgan to approve the Republican Platform Committee’s request to use the courthouse breakroom February 9 at 7:00 p.m. Larson, aye; Morgan, aye; Hendrickson, aye.

At 10:20 a.m. Discuss/Approve Support to Calhoun County in Litigation Matter. Larson made a motion to support the litigation for $500.00. Larson, aye; Morgan, aye; Hendrickson, aye.

At 10:30 a.m. the Board worked toward finalizing the budget.

At 11:00 a.m. Wilbur Henkle and Becky Shull came in to let the Board know that Doug Weber is the new Conservation Director. The contract for the Conservation Director was also discussed.

Claims were approved for February 5, 2010.

In other business, the Veteran Affairs Report was approved.

At 12:55 p.m., there being no further business, Morgan made a motion to adjourn. Morgan, aye; Larson, aye; Hendrickson, aye.


Fremont County Auditor                                                                                 Earl Hendrickson, Chairman

February 9, 2010:

At 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, February 9, 2010, a department head meeting was held in the Fremont County Courthouse Boardroom. Present were Earl Hendrickson, Chuck Larson, Dan Davis, Art Claiborne, Kevin Aistrope, Karen Berry, Margaret Henkle, Arnold Emberton and Joan Kirk. Topics discussed were: boat renewals being due, grave markers for veterans, Veteran Affairs on the internet, time cards, FEMA, safety committee meeting.

The Fremont County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Tuesday, February 9, 2010, in the Fremont County Courthouse Boardroom with Hendrickson and Larson present. A quorum was declared and the meeting officially called to order at 9:00 a.m. Minutes of the previous board session were read and approved. The agenda was approved as posted.

At 9:00 a.m. Fremont County Engineer Dan Davis met with the Board. Motion was made by Larson to authorize Chairman Hendrickson to sign an agreement with HGM for bridge replacement at Knox Road over Cooper Creek. Also present was Larry Barnard. Larson, aye; Hendrickson, aye.

At 9:15 a.m. Gary Farwell met with the Board to discuss a county-held tax sale certificate in Randolph. Farwell left a written offer for the property he is interested in purchasing. Also present were Mike Fox, Larry Barnard and Edna Eaton.

At 9:30 a.m. Mike Fox met with the Board regarding a G.O. Bond for phase three of the landfill. Fox said they are trying to do something different to cut down on expenses of phase three. Fox is estimating it will cost $250,000, and thinking it may be less expensive to get a loan from a bank compared to a G.O. Bond. This will be discussed further at the landfill meeting. Also present were Larry Barnard and Edna Eaton.

At 9:45 a.m. the following names were presented for a tourism board: Pat Hume, Edna Eaton, Dave Magel, Chuck Larson and Carl Priebe. Larson made a motion to approve these people subject to their approval. Larson, aye; Hendrickson, aye. Larry Barnard and Edna Eaton.

At 10:00 a.m. Sheriff Kevin Aistrope requested to go into closed session to discuss personnel. At 10:08 a.m. Larson made a motion to go into closed session according to Iowa Code 21.5(c) to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation. Vote: Hendrickson, aye; Larson, aye. Present were Kevin Aistrope, Earl Hendrickson, Chuck Larson and Joan Kirk. At 10:08 a.m. the Board went into closed session. At 10:40 a.m. motion was made by Larson to go out of closed session. Vote: Hendrickson, aye; Larson, aye. No action was taken.

At 10:45 a.m. Jan Winkler, Fremont County CPC/Community Services Director, met with the Board for approval of Community Mental Health Center Affiliation and Alegent Health Business Associate Addendum. Motion was made by Larson to approve the Community Mental Health Center Affiliation. Larson, aye; Hendrickson, aye. Motion was made by Larson to approve the Alegent Health Business Associate Addendum. Larson, aye; Hendrickson, aye.

10:55 a.m. motion was made by Larson to approve a Class C. Liquor License for Sidney Legion Club. Larson, aye; Hendrickson, aye.

At 10:57 a.m. motion was made by Larson to approve Cigarette/Tobacco Permit for Bohlen’s Farm Service, Inc. Larson, aye; Hendrickson, aye.

At 10:58 a.m. Larson made a motion to approve Dr. Tom Largen as the county’s designated health care provider. Larson, aye; Hendrickson, aye.

At 11:00 a.m. the Board received a conference call from Kelly Lester to review Iowa State Association of Counties Group Health Program FY-2009. Christy Briley was also present.

Payroll was approved for February 12, 2010.

In other business, the County Recorder’s Monthly Report was approved.

At 11:30 a.m., there being no further business, motion was made by Larson to adjourn. Larson, aye; Hendrickson, aye.


Fremont County Auditor                                                                                 Earl Hendrickson, Chairman

February 16, 2010:

The Fremont County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Tuesday, February 16, 2010, in the Fremont County Courthouse Boardroom with Hendrickson and Larson present. A quorum was declared and the meeting officially called to order at 9:00 a.m. Minutes of the previous board session were read and approved. The agenda was approved as posted.

Let the records show Morgan was not present for this meeting.

At 9:00 a.m. Sidney Police Chief Todd Poppie met with the Board to request a donation for Vision Goggles in conjunction with the Fremont County Drug Abuse Resistance Education Program (D.A.R.E.). D.A.R.E. is a police officer-led series of classroom lessons taught from kindergarten through 12th grade. Poppie explained that he would like to purchase Fatal Vision Goggles designed to simulate the feeling of driving while intoxicated. Poppie said this year they will use the fifth grade class at Sidney Elementary as the pilot program for the goggles, but would like to use them in all the schools in the county. Motion was made by Larson to approve the expenditure of $773.95 out of Local Option Tax/County Betterment to purchase the goggles. Larson, aye; Hendrickson, aye.

At 9:30 a.m. the Board set levies for board-controlled drainage districts.

At 10:00 a.m. motion was made by Larson to approve the following Resolution 2010-12. Larson, aye; Hendrickson, aye.



WHEREAS, the Fremont County Board of Supervisors proposes to assign the following certificate of purchase at tax sale to Gary Farwell and Judy Farwell, 209 N. Washington Street, Randolph, Iowa, 51649, for $104.00. Parcel Number 450450112000000 – LOTS 11 & 12, RANDOLPH, in the original town of Randolph, Fremont County, Iowa, according to the recorded plat thereof.

THEREFORE, be it resolved that a public hearing on the foregoing proposal shall be held at 10:00 a.m. on the 2nd day of March, 2010, in the Boardroom of the Fremont County Courthouse, Sidney, Iowa, and that the notice of the hearing shall be published as provided by the Iowa Code Section 331.361(2). The Fremont County Auditor is directed to publish a notice of public hearing in the Sidney Argus Herald, at least four days but not more than twenty days before the date of the public hearing.

Motion to approve made by Larson.

Adopted this 16th day of February, 2010.


/s/ Joan Kirk                                                                                                 /s/ Earl Hendrickson, Chairman     aye
Fremont County Auditor                                                                             /s/ Cara Morgan                               absent
                                                                                                                      /s/ Chuck Larson                              aye

At 10:15 a.m., regarding Johnson Run Drainage District in Page and Fremont Counties, Iowa, motion was made by Larson to approve a maintenance levy of 50% for Fiscal period July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011 for repair work and cleanup that needs to be done. Larson, aye; Hendrickson, aye.

The following claim was approved for a handwritten warrant. General Basic Fund: Local Option/County Betterment, Drug Dog, $2,500.00.

Claims were approved for February 19, 2010.

At 10:35 a.m., there being no further business, Larson made a motion to adjourn. Larson, aye; Hendrickson, aye.


Fremont County Auditor                                                                     Earl Hendrickson, Chairman

February 23, 2010:

The Fremont County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Tuesday, February 23, 2010, in the Fremont County Courthouse Boardroom with Supervisors Hendrickson and Larson present. A quorum was declared and the meeting officially called to order at 6:30 p.m. Minutes of the previous board session were read and approved. The agenda was approved as posted. Supervisor Morgan was absent.

At 6:30 p.m. motion was made by Larson to appoint Jan Winkler to the SIRHA Board. Larson, aye; Hendrickson, aye.


WHEREAS, The Board of Supervisors of Fremont County, Iowa held a duly authorized regular meeting on the 23rd day of February, 2010;

WHEREAS, at said meeting the following resolution was passed and adopted:


BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF Fremont, Iowa That the Board of Supervisors of the County of Fremont Iowa hereby make the following resolution.

WHEREAS, a resolution has been passed and adopted entitled "Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of a Certain Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement for the Purpose of Creating a Multi-County Housing Authority."

NOW, THEREFORE, Pursuant to the provision of Chapter 28E, Code of Iowa, and by virtue of our office as Supervisors, we hereby appoint Jan Winkler for three years, as the one (1) person to serve as Commissioner of the Southern Iowa Regional Housing Authority, representing the County of Fremont, Iowa, and to serve for the number of years appearing after his name, respectively, from the ninth day of April, 2010.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed my name as Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Fremont, Iowa and caused the official corporate seal of said County of Fremont Iowa to be attached hereto this 23rd day of February, 2010.


/s/ Joan Kirk                                                                                 /s/ Earl Hendrickson
Fremont County Auditor                                                             Chairman of Board of Supervisors

At 6:35 p.m. Mike Glenn met with the Board and presented information on the Lewis and Clark Trail Study.

At 6:45 p.m. Margaret Johnson met with the Board regarding replacing personnel. Motion was made by Larson to approve hiring replacement for personnel leaving. Larson, aye; Hendrickson, aye.

At 7:00 p.m. motion was made by Larson to approve a Class C Liquor License for D&L Pro. Larson, aye; Hendrickson, aye.

At 7:10 p.m. Conservation Board members Wilbur Henkle and Becky Shull met with the Board and gave an update on the golf course.

In other business, the following claim was approved for a handwritten warrant: General Basic Fund: Treasurer-State of Iowa, Golf Course Sales Tax, $39.53.

Payroll was approved for February 26, 2010.

The Sheriff’s monthly report was approved.

At 8:10 p.m., there being no further business, motion was made by Larson to adjourn. Larson, aye; Hendrickson, aye.


Fremont County Auditor                                                                                 Earl Hendrickson, Chairman




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