Board of Supervisors Minutes

May 2006

May 2, 2006:

The Fremont County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Tuesday, May 2, 2006, in the Fremont Courthouse, Boardroom, with Whipple, Larson and Aistrope present. A quorum was declared and the meeting officially called to order at 9:00 a.m. Minutes of the previous board session were read and approved. The agenda was approved as posted.

At 9:30 a.m. Steve MacDonald met with the Board to discuss his request for a budget amendment. Larson made a motion to amend the Sheriff’s budget for $32,000. Out of General Basic Fund to the Sheriff’s Department: Fuel $6,000; Radio & Related Equipment $10,000; Boarding Inmates $10,0000; Communications – Radio & Related Equipment $6,000. Aistrope, aye; Whipple, aye; Larson, aye.

Claims for May 5, 2006, were approved.

In other business, the County Recorder’s Monthly Report was approved.

At 10:30 a.m., there being no further business, motion was made by Aistrope to adjourn. Aistrope, aye; Whipple, aye; Larson, aye.


Fremont County Auditor                                                                                                     John E. Whipple, Chairman

May 4, 2006:

The Fremont County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Thursday, May 4, 2006, in the Fremont County Courthouse, Boardroom, with Whipple, Larson and Aistrope present. A quorum was declared and the meeting officially called to order at 9:00 a.m. Minutes of the previous board session were read and approved. The agenda was approved as posted.

At 9:00 a.m. Jim Owen, Assistant to County Engineer, met with the Board. Motion was made by Larson to authorize Chairman Whipple to sign a Work in ROW Permit for Fagan Inc. for work at 4124 Airport Rd., Shenandoah, IA. Aistrope, aye; Whipple, aye; Larson, aye.

At 10:00 a.m. Larry Cose with BC/BS and Kelli Argetsinger with Midwest Benefits met with the Board regarding life insurance. Also present was Betty Whitehead.

At 11:00 a.m. motion was made by Aistrope to publish Budget Amendment. Aistrope, aye; Larson, aye; Whipple, aye.

At 11:15 a.m., there being no further business, motion was made by Aistrope to adjourn. Aistrope, aye; Larson, aye; Whipple, aye.


Fremont County Auditor                                                                                             John E. Whipple, Chairman

May 9, 2006:

The Fremont County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Tuesday, May 9, 2006, in the Fremont County Courthouse, Boardroom, with Whipple, Larson and Aistrope present. A quorum was declared and the meeting officially called to order at 9:00 a.m. Minutes of the previous board session were read and approved. The agenda was approved as posted.

At 9:00 a.m. Dean Moody met with the Board to discuss the county’s new St. Paul Travelers Policy. St. Paul Travelers would like the county to raise their deductible from 2,500 to 5,000, which will in turn lower the premium. Moody said he has asked for comparison quotes and will get back to the Board.

At 9:30 a.m. Aistrope made a motion to approve the following Resolution 2006-26. Larson, aye; Aistrope, aye; Whipple, aye.



WHEREAS; Fremont County has found a need for housing rehabilitation in the county; and,

WHEREAS; the Southwest Iowa Housing Repair Program that will be administered by Southwest Iowa Planning Council meets the housing needs according to the latest Fremont County Housing Inventory and Regional Housing Plan


SECTION 1: Fremont County Supervisors approve the submission of an application to Federal Home Loan Bank by Southwest Iowa Planning Council to complete housing repairs for income eligible households.
SECTION 2: This project will be available throughout Fremont County.
SECTION 3: Fremont County agrees to contribute $100.00 toward this project.

Adopted this 9th day of May, 2006.


/s/ Joan Kirk                                                                                                 /s/ John E. Whipple, Chairman
Fremont County Auditor

At 10:00 a.m. County Engineer Dan Davis met with the Board. Motion was made by Aistrope to authorize Chairman Whipple to sign Utility Permits for Iowa Telecom for Cemetery Road and Plum Creek Road. Larson, aye; Aistrope, aye; Whipple, aye.

Payroll was approved for May 12, 2006.

In other business, the Sheriff’s Monthly Report was approved.

At 10:18 a.m., there being no further business, motion was made by Larson to adjourn.. Aistrope, aye; Larson, aye; Whipple, aye.


Fremont County Auditor                                                                                             John E. Whipple, Chairman

May 11, 2006:

At 8:30 a.m. on Thursday, May 11, 2006 a department head meeting was held in the Fremont County Courthouse Boardroom. Present were John E. Whipple, Chuck Larson, Joan Kirk, Art Claiborne, Margaret Henkle, Karen Berry, Steve Whitehead and Arnold Emberton. Whipple told the group that Norma Halling with Iowa Communities Assurance Pool (ICAP) suggested that the county adopt a Risk Management Policy and appoint a Risk Management Safety Committee. Larson discussed health insurance and informed the group that Blue Cross and Blue Shield representatives will be in the Courthouse May twenty-third to sign up county employees for their 2006/2007 health care plan. Claiborne said that 33 veterans have passed away in the county since last May; so far he still has enough markers, flags, etc.

The Fremont County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Thursday, May 11, 2006, in the Fremont County Courthouse Boardroom with Whipple and Larson present. A quorum was declared and the meeting officially called to order at 9:00 a.m. Minutes of the previous board session were read and approved. The agenda was approved as posted.

Let the records show that Aistrope was not present for this meeting as he was attending a regional jail meeting.

At 9:00 a.m. Larson made a motion to authorize Chairman Whipple to sign the Rural Transit System Joint Participation Agreement, with the County contributing $7,000 to the operation of this project. Whipple, aye; Larson, aye.

At 9:15 a.m. motion was made by Larson to authorize Chairman Whipple to sign Renewal of Liquor License for On-Premise Liquor, Wine or Beer for Sugar Clay Winery. Larson, aye; Whipple, aye.

At 9:30 a.m. Larson made a motion for Chairman Whipple to sign a Grant Award for Medicolegal Death Investigation Training. Whipple, aye; Larson, aye.

At 9:45 a.m. Larson made a motion to table the Resolution to Finalize Buckner/Neal Tax Sale Assignment until they can talk to the Treasurer. Whipple, aye; Larson, aye.

At 10:00 a.m. Randy Roup stopped in to visit with the Board.

At 10:30 a.m., there being no further business, Larson made a motion to adjourn. Whipple, aye; Larson, aye.


Fremont County Auditor                                                                                                     John E. Whipple, Chairman

May 16, 2006:

The Fremont County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Tuesday, May 16, 2006, in the Fremont County Courthouse Boardroom, with Whipple and Aistrope present. A quorum was declared and the meeting officially called to order at 9:00 a.m. Minutes of the previous board session were read and approved. The agenda was approved as posted.

Let the records show that Larson was ill and not present for this meeting.

At 9:00 a.m. Brian Gross, NRCS Conservationist, met with the Board regarding a letter that will be sent to the Board concerning the M1 Watershed structure north of Hamburg. NRCS believes an emergency action plan needs to be in place regarding the dam. The Board told him to talk to S. C. Haun, the Temporary Emergency Management Coordinator for Fremont County.

At 9:30 a.m. Brian Shirley met with the Board regarding tillable acres on the County Farm.

In other business, claims for May 19, 2006, were approved.

At 10:10 a.m. Scott Monical, Chairman of the Fremont County Endowment Fund, and Ross Silcock presented the Board of Supervisors with a check in the amount of $2,500.00 to be used to restore the courtyard WWI Monument.

At 10:30 a.m., there being no further business, motion was made by Aistrope to adjourn. Aistrope, aye; Whipple, aye;


Fremont County Auditor                                                                                                 John E. Whipple, Chairman

May 18, 2006:

The Fremont County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Thursday, May 18, 2006, in the Fremont County Courthouse Boardroom with Whipple and Aistrope present. A quorum was declared and the meeting officially called to order at 9:00 a.m. Minutes of the previous board session were read and approved. The agenda was approved as posted.

Let the records show that Larson was not present for this meeting.

At 9:00 a.m. Fremont County Engineer Dan Davis met with the Board. Motion was made by Aistrope to authorize Chairman Whipple to sign Agreement for using J46 as State Detour Route. Whipple, aye; Aistrope, aye.

Motion was made by Aistrope to authorize Chairman Whipple to sign Utility Permit with MidAmerican Energy for work on 300th Ave. Whipple, aye; Aistrope, aye.

At 9:55 a.m. Carl Priebe stopped in to visit with the Board regarding Forney Lake water issues.

At 10:15 a.m. Red Haun stopped in to visit with the Board.

At 10:35 a.m., there being no further business, motion was made by Aistrope to adjourn. Aistrope, aye; Whipple, aye.


Fremont County Auditor                                                                                                 John E. Whipple, Chairman

May 23, 2006:

The Fremont County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Tuesday, May 23, 2006, in the Fremont County Courthouse Boardroom with Whipple, Larson and Aistrope present. A quorum was declared and the meeting officially called to order at 9:00 a.m. Minutes of the previous board session were read and approved. The agenda was approved as posted.

At 9:00 a.m. Aistrope made a motion for Chairman Whipple to sign an Agreement for Funding with Iowa Department of Transportation for Iowa’s Living Roadways Project Program. Aistrope, aye; Larson, aye; Whipple, aye.

At 9:15 a.m. Fremont County Engineer Dan Davis met with the Board to discuss a policy change on Level B Roads.

At 9:30 a.m. Alise Snyder, Deputy Treasurer, met with the Board to discuss Buckner/Neal Tax Sale Assignment. Aistrope made a motion to approve the following Resolution 2006-27. Larson, aye; Aistrope, aye; Whipple, aye.


RESOLUTION TO CANCEL TAX SALE CERTIFICATE 2005-303 And Abate remaining taxes owned by Patrick and Ronda Neal Through County Assignment

WHEREAS, Parcel No. 430 430 555 000 000, now owned by Patrick and Ronda Neal as a result of a tax sale deed being issued on March 2, 2006, described as:

Lots 4 – 9 Inc Blk 160, in the original town of Hamburg, Fremont County, Iowa, according to the recorded plat thereof, with back taxes still owed from Tax year payable 1989/1990 through tax year payable 2004-2005 in the amount of $4325.45. With $2000.00 of it being paid by the check received July 15, 2004 from the Neal’s per resolution 2004-46 and 2004-47.

THEREFORE it is the recommendation of the Treasurer to abate the remaining taxes as per Iowa Code section 445.16

IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the above remaining taxes be abated per Iowa Code Section 445.16

The above mentioned parcel was also sold at Tax Sale on June 20, 2005 to Fremont County, certificate 2005-303, in error as the taxes that were said to be due were actually already attached to tax sale certificate #1992-92036 which had already been assigned to the Neal’s in July of 2004. Due to the time lapse in the Neal’s recording a deed a new tax sale certificate was issued in error.

THEREFORE it is the recommendation of the Treasurer that certificate 2005-303 be cancelled per Iowa Code Section 445.61.

IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that Tax Sale Certificate 2005-303 is cancelled under Iowa Code Section 445.61

BE IT FURTHER resolved that the Treasurer shall enter such changes into record.

Dated the 23 day of May, 2006

Motion made by Aistrope to approve resolution.


/s/ Joan Kirk                                                                                                                         /s/ John E. Whipple, Chairman          aye
Fremont County Auditor                                                                                                     /s/ David Aistrope                               aye
                                                                                                                                              /s/ Chuck Larson                                 aye

At 10:00 a.m. Deanne Dentlinger, Larry Cose and Tom Flemming met with the Board to sign paperwork for implementation of health insurance effective July 1, 2006.

At 10:30 a.m., with the recommendation of the County Attorney, Larson made a motion for Chairman Whipple to sign a Termination of Child Support Recovery Cooperative Agreement. Aistrope, aye; Whipple, aye; Larson, aye.

At 10:45 a.m. Aistrope made a motion to appoint Pat Hume as Representative for Western Iowa Tourism Region. Aistrope, aye; Whipple, aye; Larson, aye.

In other business, payroll for May 26, 2006 was approved.

The following claim was approved for a handwritten warrant. General Basic Fund: Home Depot, Fence, $1197.26.

At 11:10 a.m., there being no further business, Aistrope made a motion to adjourn. Aistrope, aye; Whipple, aye; Larson, aye.


Fremont County Auditor                                                                                                 John E. Whipple, Chairman

May 25, 2006:

The Fremont County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Thursday, May 25, 2006, in the Fremont County Courthouse Boardroom with Whipple, Larson and Aistrope present. A quorum was declared and the meeting officially called to order at 9:00 a.m. Minutes of the previous board session were read and approved. The agenda was approved as posted.

At 9:00 a.m. Gary Shrum, with Fremont County Engineer’s Department, met with the Board requesting board approval of a new policy on Level B Roads. Aistrope made a motion to approve the new policy. Larson, aye; Aistrope, aye; Whipple, aye.

At 9:15 a.m. Aistrope made a motion to appoint Tony Pitzen as Fremont County Weed Commissioner. Aistrope, aye; Larson, aye; Whipple, aye.

At 10:00 a.m. the public hearing for a budget amendment was held. Steve MacDonald and Kevin Aistrope were present. Patricia Rengifo with The Hamburg Reporter was also present. After discussion and with no objection, Aistrope made a motion to close the hearing and adopt the amendment. The following resolution 2006-28 was passed. Aistrope, aye; Larson, aye; Whipple, aye.


BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Fremont County Board of Supervisors this 25th day of May 2006, that the following change in appropriation be made:


Increase 01000-01000-250-05 + $6,000
Increase 01000-01000-446-05 + $10,000
Increase 01000-01050-399-05-729 + $10,000
Increase 01000-01040-446-37 + $6,000

Motion to approve made by Aistrope.


/s/ Joan Kirk                                                                                                                         /s/ John E. Whipple, Chairman          aye
Fremont County Auditor                                                                                                     /s/ David Aistrope                               aye
                                                                                                                                              /s/ Chuck Larson                                 aye

In other business, the following claim was approved for a handwritten warrant. Secondary Road Fund: Alliance Gas, Fuel, $18,956.17.

At 10:30 a.m. Charlie Spencer and Charlie Stevens, with Page County Conservation Board, met with the Board requesting support for the sandpit acquisition north of Shenandoah. Bobbie Benton, Kirk Shearer, Jay Longinaker and Steve White were present. Also present was Patricia Rengifo with The Hamburg Reporter. Kirk Shearer, with Fremont County Conservation Board, said their funds were stretched really thin right now with projects in Fremont County. Spencer said someone would be in touch with the Board regarding a letter of support.

Let the records show Aistrope left the meeting at 11:00 a.m.

At 11:12 a.m., there being no further business, motion was made by Larson to adjourn. Whipple, aye; Larson, aye.


Fremont County Auditor                                                                                                         John E. Whipple, Chairman

May 30, 2006:

The Fremont County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Tuesday, May 30, 2006, in the Fremont County Courthouse Boardroom with Whipple, Larson and Aistrope present. A quorum was declared and the meeting officially called to order at 9:00 a.m. Minutes of the previous board session were read and approved. The agenda was approved as posted.

The Board then read communications and heard visitors.

At 9:40 a.m., there being no further business, motion was made by Aistrope to adjourn. Larson, aye; Aistrope, aye; Whipple, aye.


Fremont County Auditor                                                                                                          John E. Whipple, Chairman

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