Board of Supervisors Minutes
October 2014

October 7, 2014:

The Fremont County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Tuesday, October 7, 2014, in the Fremont County Courthouse Boardroom, with Bartholomew, Hickey and Morgan present.  A quorum was declared and the meeting officially called to order at 9:00 a.m.  Minutes of the previous board session were read and approved.  The agenda was approved as posted. 

At 9:00 a.m. FREDCO, Twila Larson along with Hometown Pride Coach, Doug Freidli, met with the board, requesting Fremont County’s help on funds not collected for the current year Hometown Pride’s contribution of $20,000.  The contribution deadline is November 1st, and so far $3,800 has been collected from local communities leaving $16,200 remaining.  Motion was made by Morgan to go ahead and make the $16,200 this year out of County Betterment and contribute $15,000 next year while asking the communities to contribute the remaining $5,000.  Motion carried unanimously.  

At 9:10 a.m. Nick Johnson joined the meeting.   

At 9:15 a.m. Dan Davis, Engineer, requesting approval of Temporary Easement on Proj. #STP-SCO36(65)- - 5E-36.  Motion was made by Morgan to approve the request.  Motion carried unanimously.  

At 9:45 a.m. Renee Von Bokern, Von Bokern & Associates, met with the board via phone call to discuss road department bargaining strategy.  Present were Bart Bartholomew, Cara Morgan, Randy Hickey, Nick Johnson, Dan Davis and Joan Kirk.  Dan Davis requested to go into closed session pursuant to Iowa Code Section Chapter 20.17(3).  At 9:47 Motion was made by Morgan to go into closed session.  Bartholomew, aye; Morgan, aye; Hickey, aye.  At 10:05 Morgan made a motion to go out of closed session.  Bartholomew, aye; Morgan, aye; Hickey, aye.  No action was taken.               

At 10:00 a.m. Randy Monroe met with the board to discuss the Secondary Road Department, and projects they are planning on doing in the near future.  Also present was Dan Davis.  Monroe was not in favor of spending money to work on the Taylor Bridge project, and threatened to get a petition against it.  Monroe also discussed the general conditions of Fremont County, and rock on the roads.   

At 10:30 a.m. James Burger, County Attorney, met with the board to discuss the process to appointment of Interim County Attorney.  Also present was Cory Becker.  Morgan made a motion to approve the following Resolution 2014-41.  Motion carried unanimously.


BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Fremont County Board of Supervisors on this 7th day of October, 2014, that James S. Burger is appointed as acting County Attorney pursuant to ICA §69.14A(3) with reasonable attorney fees as authorized by the District Court, effective October 7, 2014 for a term as provided by statute.




/s/ Joan Kirk 


/s/ Bart Bartholomew, Chairman


Fremont County Auditor


/s/ Randy Hickey




/s/ Cara Morgan


At 10:45 a.m. Arnold Emberton, met with the board requesting they approve a Business Associates Agreement with Waubonsie Mental Health.  Motion was made by Morgan to approve the Agreement.  Motion carried unanimously.   

At 11:00 a.m. Nancy Newlon met with the board requesting transfer of jurisdiction of West Benton Drainage District to property owners.  Hickey gave Newlon information to get the process started.  Morgan agreed the trustees should be in charge of their Drainage District.      

In other business, the Recorder’s Monthly Report was approved.   

At 11:15 a.m. there being no further business, Hickey made a motion to adjourn.  Motion carried unanimously. 


Fremont County Auditor                                                                            Bart Bartholomew, Chairman

October 14, 2014:

At 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, October 14, 2014, a Department Head meeting was held in the Fremont County Courthouse Boardroom.  Present were Bart Bartholomew, Cara Morgan, Randy Hickey, Jenny McAllister, Danny Toma, Nick Johnson, Kevin Aistrope, Jeff Shirley, Mike Crecelius, Dan Davis, Arnold Emberton and Karen Berry.  Topics discussed: County Attorney’s safety door, courthouse security, ALICE training, Homeland Security meeting, multi-res workshop, computers in Sheriff’s vehicles, drug dog, LEC building progress, tax collection on BLLs, Hometown Pride and tourism.   

The Fremont County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Tuesday, October 14, 2014, in the Fremont County Courthouse Boardroom, with Bartholomew, Hickey and Morgan present.  A quorum was declared and the meeting officially called to order at 9:00 a.m.  Minutes of the previous board session were read and approved.  The agenda was approved as posted. 

Also present were Nick Johnson, Attorney’s Office, Shannon Schram, Big Apple Radio and Jeff Shirley, Fremont County Safety Officer. 

At 9:00 a.m. Dan Davis, Engineer, met with the board requesting approval of the following:

Motion was made by Morgan to approve Work in ROW Permit for Windstream Communications for placing 100’ of Telephone Cable Across 190th St. 3 miles NE of Percival.  Motion carried unanimously.  

Motion was made by Hickey to approve Temporary Easement on Proj. #STP-CO36(65)--5E-36.  Motion carried unanimously.  

Motion was made by Hickey to approve Universal Payment Voucher for HGM Associates for Proj. #BOS-CO36(68)--5F-36.  Motion carried unanimously.  

Motion was made by Hickey to approve Universal Payment Voucher for HGM Associates for Proj. #STP-S-CO36(65)--5E-36 on J-18.  Motion carried unanimously. 

At 9:20 a.m. Jeff Shirley, Fremont County Safety Officer, stopped in and visited with the board regarding a safety issues.   

At 9:25 a.m. Let the records show Bill Huey, Prochaska & Associates did not attend this meeting.  Motion was made by Hickey to approve a Change Request for Key Blanks request for LEC.   Motion carried unanimously.  

At 9:30 a.m. Renee Von Bokern, Von Bokern & Associates, met with the board via phone call to discuss Sheriff’s Department bargaining strategy.  Present were Bart Bartholomew, Cara Morgan, Randy Hickey, Nick Johnson, Kevin Aistrope and Joan Kirk.  Morgan requested to go into closed session pursuant to Iowa Code Section Chapter 20.17(3).  At 9:37 Motion was made by Hickey to go into closed session.  Bartholomew, aye; Morgan, aye; Hickey, aye.  At 9:55 a.m. Morgan made a motion to go out of closed session.  Bartholomew, aye; Morgan, aye; Hickey, aye.  No action was taken. 

At 10:00 a.m. concerning agenda item for $520,000 General Obligation Refunding Capital Loan Notes, Series 2014B was approved as follows: 

Resolution Appointing Paying Agent, Note Registrar, and Transfer Agent, approving the payment agent and note registrar and Transfer Agent Agreement and Authorizing the Execution of the Agreement.  Motion was made by Morgan to approve.  Motion carried unanimously.   

Resolution approving and authorizing a form of Loan Agreement and authorizing and providing for the issuance of Capital Loan Notes, and levying a tax to pay the Notes; Approval of the Tax Exemption Certificate, and Refunding Trust Agreement.  Motion was made by Hickey to approve.  Motion carried unanimously.   

Two claims were approved for hand written warrants.  City of Sidney, Sheriff’s Department, water service for $238.44 and City of Sidney, Courthouse, water service for $178.83. 

In other business, claims for October 17, 2014, were approved.   

At 11:15 a.m. there being no further business, Hickey made a motion to adjourn.  Motion carried unanimously. 


 Fremont County Auditor                                                                                Bart Bartholomew, Chairman

October 21, 2014:

The Fremont County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Tuesday, October 21, 2014, in the Fremont County Courthouse Boardroom, with Bartholomew, Hickey and Morgan present.  A quorum was declared and the meeting officially called to order at 9:00 a.m.  Minutes of the previous board session were read and approved.  The agenda was approved as posted. 

Let the records show Shannon Schram, B103; Sandy Parmenter, Hamburg Reporter; and Nick Johnson were also present. 

At 9:00 a.m. Reba Richie, Fremont County CPC Director, met with the board requesting approval of 2014 Provider Quality Management Self-Assessment.  Motion was made by Morgan to approve Richie’s request.  Motion carried unanimously. 

At 9:10 a.m. Motion was made by Hickey to disallow a vacant house from receiving a Homestead credit.  Motion carried unanimously.  

At 9:15 a.m. Hickey reported the DNR called the County Engineer and said they were not approving the Parks Finishing J4, LLC site regarding set back. 

At 9:30 a.m. Let the records show Mahlon Sorensen, Farragut City Attorney, did not come to this meeting.  

At 9:45 a.m. Motion was made by Morgan to approve the annual TIF report that will be submitted to the Department of Management web site.  Motion carried unanimously.  

At 10:00 a.m. Public Hearing regarding the Study Property on Western Ave., Bartlett. Present were Shannon Schram, Sandy Parmenter, Marty Study and Nick Johnson.  At 10:03 a.m. Motion was made by Hickey to go into the Public Hearing.  Hickey, aye; Morgan, aye; Bartholomew, aye.  Morgan asked if the property was part of FEMA’s 403 Demolition Program.  Study said no one said anything about demolition of the property.  Study said someone came in his house and said it would cost approximately $50,000 to fix it up.  He is in the process of fixing up his property including his house, and does not want to give it up.  Bartholomew said he would get in touch with SWIPCO to see if it was part of the demolition process offered by FEMA.  Study said he would like to be taken off the list for demolition.  At 10:10 a.m. Hickey made a motion to go out of public hearing. Hickey, aye; Morgan, aye; Bartholomew, aye.  No decision was made at this time.    

At 10:15 a.m. Danny Toma, Maintenance, met with the board with a proposal for the County Attorney’s security door.  The final price with shipping is $4,302.00, and they would like 50% down because it is a custom door.  Toma said there are three departments that will be purchasing this door.  Hickey made a motion to approve.  Motion carried unanimously.   

At 10:25 a.m. Dan Davis, Engineer, met with the board requesting approval of the following: 

Motion was made by Morgan to sign Title Sheets for J-18 Project #STP-S-CO36(65)--5E-36.  Motion carried unanimously.  

Motion was made by Morgan to sign Work in ROW Permit for Jess Ware Property by Dennis Jordan.  Motion carried unanimously.  

Motion was made by Morgan to sign Temporary Easement for Project #STP-S-CO36(65)-- 5E-36.  Motion carried unanimously. 

At 10:35 a.m. Terry Graham, Veteran’s Affairs, met with the board requesting assistance of an additional five hours per work week added help to his staff for data input.  The time frame would be one hour a day, and would like to try it for two months with a starting date of November 1st.  VetraSpec is a reporting system that Graham is interested in trying. Graham said he has already approved the additional help with his commissioners, and this will allow him to better serve the veterans of Fremont County.  Morgan made a motion to move forward with this, but wants to make sure his assistant would not receive overtime as she already works for the county.  Motion carried unanimously.     

At 10:50 a.m. Bill Huey, Jim Classe and Steve Riley, Prochaska & Associates, met with the board to present two change orders 002 for a $25,000 deduction from the allowance for the gas and power charges to be paid out of soft costs funds.  Hickey made a motion to approve.  003 addresses three items 1. The request by the sheriff’s office for key blanks, 2. Modify gauge & spacing of exterior wall z-furring stripes, 3. Per Sheriff’s Office request, provide phone shut-off controls at Master Control.  Total $2,730.00.  Motion was made by Morgan to approve orders 002 and 003.  Motion carried unanimously.  Riley also discussed the progress budget with the board, and presented a new timeline.

At 11:15 a.m. Bill Dreyer and Dave Dreyer, met with the board requesting clean out work on Schultz Ditch from the river all the way to the road.  Hickey said he would meet with Dave and see how much there is to do.   

At 11:30 a.m. there being no further business, Hickey made a motion to adjourn.  Motion carried unanimously. 


Fremont County Auditor                                                                                Bart Bartholomew, Chairman

October 28, 2014:

The Fremont County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Tuesday, October 28, 2014, in the Fremont County Courthouse Boardroom, with Bartholomew, Hickey and Morgan present.  A quorum was declared and the meeting officially called to order at 9:00 a.m.  Minutes of the previous board session were read and approved.  The agenda was approved as posted. 

At 9:00 a.m. Dan Davis, Engineer, met with the board requesting approval of the following: 

Motion was made by Morgan to sign Title Sheet for Taylor Bridge Proj. #BROS-CO36(68)--5F-36.  Motion carried unanimously.  

Motion was made by Morgan to sign Temporary Easement Contract on Proj. #BROS-CO36(68)--5F-36 (Taylor Bridge).  Motion carried unanimously.  

At 9:15 a.m. Let the records show Nick Johnson, James Bowery and Shanna Schram, B103 Radio, joined the meeting. 

At 9:15 a.m. Kevin Aistrope, Sheriff, met with the board requesting approval of the following: 

Aistrope is asking for approval to purchase a drug dog, stating he would have enough money to purchase the dog if the county would help with the $5,100 he received after selling his last dog.  Motion was made by Morgan to approve the purchase of a drug dog for Fremont County, and to pay $5,100 towards the purchase out of County Betterment.  Motion carried unanimously.       

Aistrope was also requesting the board approve a Medical Aid Payment Agreement with Montgomery County Hospital.  Aistrope said the Agreement will save the county 30% on prisoner medical services.  Motion was made by Morgan to approve the agreement.  Motion carried unanimously.    

At 9:25 a.m. James Bowery gave a computer presentation to the board on the decline of our Government, and how County Currency can help Fremont County.  Bowery did offer his services if the county is interested.  Also present was Kristi O’Neal.   

A claim was approved for a hand written warrant.  General Supplemental, Elections Administration, General Election postage, $23.80.  

In other business, claims for October 31, 2014, were approved.

also Approved was the Sheriff’s Monthly Report for August 2014.  

At 10:15 a.m. there being no further business, Morgan made a motion to adjourn.  Motion carried unanimously. 


Fremont County Auditor                                                                                Bart Bartholomew, Chairman

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