Board of Supervisors Minutes

November 2006

November 2, 2006:

The Fremont County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Thursday, November 2, 2006, in the Fremont County Courthouse Boardroom with Whipple, Larson and Aistrope present.  A quorum was declared and the meeting officially called to order at 9:00 a.m.  Minutes of the previous board session were read and approved.  The agenda was approved as posted. Margaret Askew Gregory was present.

At 9:00 a.m. bid opening on the Sutton Property was held.  Karen Holt was present. The following bids were received: Holt Gas Co., $23,755 and Achenbach Construction, $18,025.  Motion was made by Larson to accept the high bid of $23,755 from Holt Gas Co.  Aistrope, aye; Larson, aye; Whipple, aye.  Further public notice and hearing on completion of the sale will be scheduled.

In other business, the Recorder’s Report of Fees Collected was approved.

At 10:20 a.m., there being no further business, motion was made by Aistrope to adjourn.  Larson, aye; Aistrope, aye; Whipple, aye.


Fremont County Auditor                                                                                            John E. Whipple, Chairman

November 7, 2006:

The Fremont County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Tuesday, November 7, 2006, in the Fremont County Courthouse Boardroom with Whipple, Larson and Aistrope present. A quorum was declared and the meeting officially called to order at 9:00 a.m. Minutes of the previous board session were read and approved. The agenda was approved as posted.

Margaret Gregory was present for the entire meeting.

At 9:00 a.m. County Engineer Dan Davis met with the Board. Motion was made by Aistrope to authorize Chairman Whipple to sign Memorandum of Understanding for Mechanic’s Wage Increase. Parties have agreed to the following wage rate for mechanic position. The mechanic’s wage rate will be increased to $15.47, which will be included on the mechanic’s November 10, 2006 paycheck. Effective July 1, 2007,

the mechanic wage rate will be increased to $15.78. Effective January 1, 2008, the mechanic wage rate will be increased to $16.10. Aistrope, aye; Larson, aye; Whipple, aye.

In other business, the following claim was approved for a handwritten warrant. Secondary Road Fund: ISAC, Family Insurance, $621.34.

Payroll was approved for November 10, 2006.

At 10:15 a.m., there being no further business, Aistrope made a motion to adjourn. Aistrope, aye; Whipple, aye; Larson, aye.


Fremont County Auditor                                                                                           John E. Whipple, Chairman

November 9, 2006:

At 8:30 a.m. on Thursday, November 9, 2006, a department head meeting was held in the Fremont County Courthouse Boardroom. Present were John E. Whipple, Chuck Larson, David Aistrope, Dan Davis, Margaret Askew Gregory, Art Claiborne, Margaret Henkle, Judy Crain and Joan Kirk. Judy Crain said she still has people complain that there is no handrail on the east steps to the courthouse. Whipple asked Davis if he had someone that could put up a handrail and Davis thought he had someone that could. Davis said he would be back on the agenda to present the Board with more information regarding a new fueling system. Claiborne said fall school of instruction went very well, with a lot of useful information. Claiborne said Fremont County is not paying as much for a veteran’s burial as the surrounding counties and would like to consider paying more. Larson reminded everyone of the upcoming FREDCO meeting at the Gathering Place in Sidney and said if anyone wants to go to contact Linda Cruickshank.

The Fremont County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Thursday, November 9, 2006, in the Fremont County Courthouse Boardroom, with Whipple, Larson and Aistrope present. A quorum was declared and the meeting officially called to order at 9:00 a.m. Minutes of the previous board session were read and approved. The agenda was approved as posted.

Speck Hendrickson and Margaret Askew Gregory were present for the entire meeting.

At 9:00 a.m. County Engineer Dan Davis met with the Board. Motion was made by Larson to approve the County Engineer’s recommendation to hire two replacement employees. Larson, aye; Aistrope, aye; Whipple, aye.

At 9:30 a.m. Vicki Danley, Fremont County Attorney, stopped in to visit with the Board regarding the sale of the Sutton building.

At 9:45 a.m. Margaret Henkle, Fremont County Recorder, met with the Board requesting approval for a part time deputy replacement. Aistrope made a motion to approve the appointment of a part time replacement deputy. Larson, aye; Aistrope, aye; Whipple, aye.

At 10:10 a.m., there being no further business, Larson made a motion to adjourn. Aistrope, aye; Whipple, aye; Larson, aye.


Fremont County Auditor                                                                                                     John E. Whipple, Chairman

November 14, 2006:

The Fremont County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Tuesday, November 14, 2006, in the Fremont County Courthouse Boardroom, with Whipple, Larson and Aistrope present. A quorum was declared and the meeting officially called to order at 9:00 a.m. Minutes of the previous board session were read and approved. The agenda was approved as posted.

Speck Hendrickson and Margaret Gregory were present for the entire meeting.

At 9:00 a.m. the Board of Supervisors, concurring with the County Auditor, held the official canvass of votes cast in the November 7, 2006 General Election. The Board declared the following elected on a county level.

County Supervisors: Earl Speck Hendrickson and Chuck Larson; County Attorney: Margaret Askew Gregory; County Treasurer: Judith Crain; County Recorder: Margaret Henkle

Township Trustees:

Benton Trustees: Evelyn Rahr and Dale A. Chaney Benton Clerk: Agnes C. Penney
Fisher Trustees: Tom Troxel and Phil Wing Fisher Clerk: Eugene Shelton
Green Trustees: Randy Hickey and Lawrence L. Crom Green Clerk: Robert Benton
Locust Grove Trustees: Harold Gruber and one to be appointed Locust Grove Clerk: Francis Gruber
Madison Trustees: Marvin L. Gubser and Glen Stenzel Madison Clerk: Deloris Stenzel
Monroe Trustees: Paul Head (elected) and Kim Hughes (write-in) Monroe Clerk: Patricia Head
Prairie Trustees: Keith Kingsolver (elected) and Thomas Lorimor (write-in) Prairie Clerk: to be appointed
Riverside Trustees: Duane Aistrope and Rodney W. Carter Riverside Clerk: Kim Malcom
Riverton Trustees: Rick Mount and Darwin Bugg Riverton Clerk: Cindy Mount
Scott Trustees: Jeff Porter and John Askew Scott Clerk: Ben Howe
Sidney Trustees: Larry G. Greedy and Ron Loewe Sidney Clerk: David C. Roberts
Walnut Trustees: Maurice Hoxie and Robert Lightfoot Walnut Clerk: Kathy Lightfoot
Washington Trustees: David Mincer and Greg Phillips Washington Clerk: James Nahkunst

Elected Soil and Water Conservation Directors: Phillip Wing and Maurice King, Jr.

Elected County Agricultural Extension Council: Theresa Johnson, Mark Trively, Carl R. Jardon, Brandon J. Schaaf and Randy Hickey.

At 9:45 a.m. Vicki R. Danley, Fremont County Attorney, met with the Board to discuss the possibility of creating a new position in her office for the newly elected county attorney. Danley thought the transition would be easier if the newly elected county attorney could be part of the office before officially taking office. Gregory indicated this may not be possible because she has scheduled time elsewhere and was not sure how much time she would have before the first of the year. The two attorneys will talk about this.

At 9:50 a.m. Aistrope made a motion to approve the following Resolution No. 2006-46. Larson, aye; Aistrope, aye, Whipple, aye.



WHEREAS, Fremont County owns certain property, to:wit: Lot Two (2) of Lot One (1) of Lot One (1) of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NW1/4NW1/4) of Section Twenty-Six (26), Township Sixty-nine (69) North, Range Forty-two (42) West of the 5th P.M., subject to easements of record, containing 0.98 acre, more or less, according to irregular survey of record, including easement for use and maintenance of the water line to said Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 which runs along the Northeast right-of-way line of Iowa Highway #275 through the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NW1/4NW1/4) of said Section 26 and reserving unto Fremont County right of entry to maintain contamination-monitoring wells on the said property.

WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 2006-46 duly passed by the Board of Supervisors and Notice to Bidders duly published by the Auditor, the Board received sealed bids on November 1, 2006, and considered the bids on November 2, 2006, and the Board has accepted the high bid submitted by Holt Gas Co. for $23,755, and proposes to set the public hearing required and proceed as provided by law to complete the sale.


1. Public hearing on the Board’s proposal to sell the property to Holt Gas Co. for $23,755, being the highest sealed bid shall be held at 10:00 a.m. on the 28th day of November, 2006, in the Boardroom in the Fremont County Courthouse, Sidney, Iowa.

2. Notice of public hearing shall be published as provided by Iowa Code Section 331.361(2).

3. The Fremont County Auditor is directed to publish a notice of public hearing in the Sidney Argus Herald and The Hamburg Reporter once, at least four days but not more then twenty days before the date of the public hearing.

Motion to approve made by Aistrope.

Adopted this 14th day of November, 2006. 

ATTEST:                                                                                                                                 ROLL CALL

s/ Joan Kirk                                                                                                                   /s/ John E. Whipple, Chairman aye
Fremont County Auditor                                                                                                /s/  Chuck Larson aye
                                                                                                                                          /s/  David Aistrope aye

Prepared and submitted by Vicki Danley, Fremont County Attorney 

At 10:00 a.m. Dan Davis and Frank McCann met with the Board to discuss installing a railing on the east steps to the courthouse. Also present was Steve Whitehead. Whitehead will check into finding iron similar to the railings on the other courthouse steps and report his findings to McCann and go from there.

At 10:10 a.m. motion was made by Aistrope to sign Iowa Department of Human Services Intergovernmental Contract. The purpose of the contract is to retain Fremont County as employer of record for the position of Decat Coordinator, which would provide Decat coordination services in the counties of Fremont, Page and Taylor. The term of the contract will be November 20, 2006 through September 30, 2007. Larson, aye; Aistrope, aye, Whipple, aye.

At 10:15 a.m. Steve Whitehead, Maintenance Supervisor, met with the Board regarding storage space for county records, part of which the state requires the county to keep indefinitely. The county impound shop was brought up as a possibility for extra storage space. Some other possibilities were discussed and Whitehead will do some research and report back to the Board.

At 10:30 a.m. Margaret Askew Gregory met with the Board to discuss office space in the courthouse. The current election room, located next to the courtroom, will be used for her office. A few necessary changes will be made to make the room into a suitable office.

In other business, claims were approved for November 17, 2006.

At 10:45 a.m., there being no further business, Aistrope made a motion to adjourn. Aistrope, aye; Whipple, aye; Larson, aye.


Fremont County Auditor                                                                                             John E. Whipple, Chairman

November 16, 2006:

The Fremont County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Thursday, November 16, 2006, in the Fremont County Courthouse Boardroom with Whipple, Larson and Aistrope present. A quorum was declared and the meeting officially called to order at 9:00 a.m. Minutes of the previous board session were read and approved. The agenda was approved as posted.

Speck Hendrickson and Margaret Askew Gregory were present.

At 9:00 a.m. Sandie Sillers, Fremont County CPC/Community Services Director, met with the Board. Motion was made by Aistrope to approve the following resolution No. 2006-47. Larson, aye; Aistrope, aye; Whipple, aye.


Whereas, county property taxes have been and continue to be a major funding source for services to adults with MH/MR/DD/BI,
Whereas, beginning in 1994, the state began a process to fund a larger amount of the adult service system from state funds,
Whereas, beginning in 1994, the state embarked on a partnership with the counties to fund 50% of the "base" and all of the growth in the system,
Whereas, the counties agreed to manage the system with the combination of local, state and federal funds,
Whereas, the MH/DD/MR/BI Commission undertook a project to improve the system and in that evaluation confirmed that the adult disability service system should be managed by the counties,
Whereas, the county system has worked well for the past ten years,
Whereas, there is no evidence that a centralized system of services will provide better services for less money than the current system,
Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Board of Supervisors of Fremont County that the undersigned do hereby, request the Iowa Legislature to maintain its commitment to the local management of the adult MH/DD/MR/BI system in Iowa.

Approved this 16th day of November, 2006.


/s/ Joan Kirk                                                                                                                         /s/ John E. Whipple, Chairman
Fremont County Auditor                                                                                                           Board of Supervisors
By June Hardy, Asst. Auditor
Date: 11-16-06

Sillers discussed the State Payment Plan with the Board. She said the State is supposed to pay for state cases but she had not received nearly what she had requested and was told to pay the rest out of county money. She said she would not spend county dollars for state cases. Sillers also discussed the matter of having a Human Services office in Sidney but no one being there to help people except maybe a couple of hours a week if they have appointments. She said people come to her office for help but she can do nothing for them and it is nearly impossible to be able to talk to anyone at Human Services by phone. Whipple and Larson said they would talk to Richard Anderson about the matter.

At 9:30 a.m. Art Claiborne, Darrell Kilpatrick and Azeile Kilpatrick came to the meeting. Darrell Kilpatrick was presented a certificate for thirty years of service on the Veteran Affairs Commission.

At 9:45 a.m. County Engineer Dan Davis met with the Board. Motion was made by Aistrope to authorize Chairman Whipple to sign Work in Right of Way Permit for Danley Lorimor for tile line across a dirt road in Section 17, Prairie Township. Larson, aye; Aistrope, aye; Whipple, aye. Motion was made by Aistrope to authorize Chairman Whipple to sign Work in Right of Way Permit for Larry Crom for removing silt from county road ditch. Larson, aye; Aistrope, aye; Whipple, aye. Motion was made by Aistrope to sign a Title Sheet for Honey Creek Bridge Project on County Road J-18. Larson, aye; Aistrope, aye; Whipple, aye.

Ross Silcock stopped in and visited with the Board about the county plan for economic development.

In other business, the Sheriff’s Monthly Report was approved.

The following claim was approved for a handwritten warrant. General Basic Fund: FREDCO, Funding for Planning Process, $2500.

At 10:40 a.m., there being no further business, motion was made by Aistrope to adjourn. Larson, aye; Aistrope, aye; Whipple, aye.


Fremont County Auditor                                                                                                         John E. Whipple, Chairman

November 21, 2006:

The Fremont County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Tuesday, November 21, 2006, in the Fremont County Courthouse Boardroom with Whipple, Larson and Aistrope present. A quorum was declared and the meeting officially called to order at 9:00 a.m. Minutes of the previous board session were read and approved. The agenda was approved as posted.

Speck Hendrickson was present for the entire meeting.

At 9:00 a.m. Steve Whitehead, Maintenance Supervisor, met with the Board regarding two 20’ storage containers for the county’s records that need to be kept indefinitely. The storage containers cost approximately $2000 apiece. Larson said he would check with Dan Davis and see if an area in the county’s impound lot could be leveled to set the containers on.

At 9:15 a.m. Georgene Peeler and Dee Owen presented the Board with a list of homestead and military exemptions for them to approve or disallow. Aistrope made a motion to approve the exemptions. Aistrope, aye; Larson, aye; Whipple, aye.

In other business, payroll for November 24, 2006 was approved.

At 10:16 a.m., there being no further business, Aistrope made a motion to adjourn. Aistrope, aye; Whipple, aye; Larson, aye.


Fremont County Auditor                                                                                                         John E. Whipple, Chairman

November 23, 2006:

No Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting. Courthouse Closed for Thanksgiving Holiday

November 28, 2006:

The Fremont County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Tuesday, November 28, 2006, in the Fremont County Courthouse Boardroom with Whipple, Larson and Aistrope present. A quorum was declared and the meeting officially called to order at 9:00 a.m. Minutes of the November 21st board meeting were approved. The agenda was approved as posted.

Speck Hendrickson, Brian Kingsolver and Margaret Askew Gregory were present for the entire meeting.

At 9:00 a.m. motion was made by Larson to approve the Tax Increment Debt Certificates. Aistrope, aye; Larson, aye; Whipple, aye.

At 9:10 a.m. Georgene Peeler and Dee Owen met with the Board regarding a homestead credit that was disallowed in error. Motion was made by Aistrope to reinstate the homestead credit. Larson, aye; Aistrope, aye; Whipple, aye.

At 9:15 a.m. discussion was held regarding storage containers for records for the County Attorney’s office and the Sheriff’s department. Present were Steve MacDonald and Kevin Aistrope. Motion was made by Larson to purchase two 20’ weatherproof and waterproof containers at a price of $1800 each with delivery cost of $375.00 for both. Aistrope, aye; Larson, aye; Whipple, aye.

At 9:30 a.m. Dan Davis met with the Board. Motion was made by Aistrope to authorize Chairman Whipple to sign a Right-of Way Contract with Dinville Farm Corporation for permanent easement for Project L-3-23-2. Total purchase price for permanent easement is $493.00 plus $147.00 for fence removal. Larson, aye; Aistrope, aye; Whipple, aye.

Motion was made by Aistrope to authorize Chairman Whipple to sign payment vouchers for HGM for engineering and design costs on Project FM-CO36(44)—55-36 on county route L31 and engineering and design costs on Project FM-CO36(45)—55-36 on county route J18. Larson, aye; Aistrope, aye; Whipple, aye.

Motion was made by Larson to authorize Chairman Whipple to sign permit for work in right of way for Extreme Trenching for underground construction of Qwest telephone service lines at 2643 225th Ave. Aistrope, aye; Larson, aye; Whipple, aye.

At 10:00 a.m. a public hearing was held on the sale of the former Sutton property. Present were Jerry Holt, Karen Holt, Steve MacDonald, Kevin Aistrope and Vicki Danley. Jerry Holt asked about contamination wells. Davis stated there is no contamination. He said there is a monitoring well that is checked periodically. There being no further comments, the hearing was closed. Resolutions approving the sale of the Sutton Property to Holt Gas Co. after public hearing and approving deed for the Sutton property will be on the agenda for December 5.

At 10:30 a.m. motion was made by Aistrope to appoint Mike Hamilton trustee for Locust Grove Township.

Larson, aye; Aistrope, aye; Whipple, aye.

In other business, the county library contract was signed.

At 10:40 a.m., there being no further business, motion was made by Aistrope to adjourn. Larson, aye; Aistrope, aye; Whipple, aye.


Fremont County Auditor                                                                                                            John E. Whipple, Chairman

November 30, 2006:

No Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting. ISAC Fall School, Des Moines.

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