Board of Supervisors Minutes

December 2012

December 4, 2012:

The Fremont County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Tuesday, December 4, 2012, in the Fremont County Courthouse Boardroom, with Hickey, Bartholomew and Morgan present. A quorum was declared and the meeting officially called to order at 9:00 a.m. Minutes of the previous Board session were read and approved. The agenda was approved as posted.

At 9:00 a.m. Susan Tarrott, Family Heritage Insurance, would like the board to consider the possibility of putting flyers in with payroll checks, as a means of getting in touch with all employees. The board is still planning on doing something at open enrollment time.

At 9:15 a.m. Jim Doran, Assistant Engineer, met with the board requesting approval of Work in ROW Permit for Southwest Regional Water District to put waterline hookup at 2442 370th Ave, Fisher Township. Motion was made by Morgan to authorize Chairman Hickey to sign Work in ROW Permit. Morgan, aye; Bartholomew, aye; Hickey aye.

At 9:30 a.m. Motion was made by Morgan approving the following Resolution 2012-40. Morgan, aye; Bartholomew, aye; Hickey aye.


BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Fremont County Board of Supervisors this 4th day of December 2012, that the following transfer of funds be approved and made: $475,837.26 from the Rural Services Basic Fund, share of Rural Services taxes, from the Rural Services Basic Fund to the Secondary Road Fund.

Motion to approve transfer made by Morgan.


/s/ Joan Kirk                                                                                /s/ Randy Hickey, Chairman      aye
Fremont County Auditor                                                                /s/ Bart Bartholomew                aye
                                                                                                   /s/ Cara Morgan                        aye

At 9:45 a.m. Judy Crain, Treasurer, stopped by to visit with the board.

In other business Longevity for Secondary Roads was approved.

At 10:00 a.m. there being no further business, Morgan made a motion to adjourn. Morgan, aye; Bartholomew, aye; Hickey aye.


Fremont County Auditor                                                                                 Randy Hickey, Chairman

December 11, 2012:

The Fremont County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Tuesday, December 11, 2012, in the Fremont County Courthouse Boardroom, with Hickey, Bartholomew and Morgan present. A quorum was declared and the meeting officially called to order at 11:00 a.m. Minutes of the previous Board session were read and approved. The agenda was approved as posted.

At 11:00 a.m. the Board canvassed the IWCC Special Election.

At 11:15 a.m. Design Contract with JEO was removed from the Board of Supervisors agenda because it is a drainage board issue.

At 11:20 a.m. Gean Clapper and Lona Lewis, met with the board to discuss the jail project. They were wondering what the board thought of using the old Road Department property for a new jail location. Morgan’s concern is the cost to the taxpayers overall, because the buildings are still being used to house equipment for the road department, and the county would have to build them somewhere else using taxpayers money. Hickey agreed that they would have to rebuild everything that is already out there and being used. Clapper said they will still have four options and will have numbers after their next meeting.

At 11:40 a.m. Danny Toma, Maintenance, met with the board requesting approval of Asbestos Abatement bid for the removal of asbestos in the boiler room. Toma said the asbestos will have to be removed no matter what they do with the heating in the courthouse. Morgan made a motion to approve remove the asbestos. Bartholomew, aye; Morgan, aye; Hickey, aye.

Also Toma discussed bids for floor tiles, carpet squares for the magistrate’s office.

At 11:52 a.m. Dan Manning, Attorney, representing Sapp Bros. Travel Center met with the board to discuss the I29/Hwy 2 TIF. Dave Lane, Attorney, from Knoxville, IA, representing Les Robbins was also present via phone call. Manning provided the board with documents for their file, and stated that they are willing to work with the county to make the process move as quickly as possible. Also present were Mike Crecelius and Dan Davis.

At 12:13 p.m. Red Haun and Bobby Haun met with the board seeking help with the cost of a new digital system that is being required for the Hamburg Movie Theater to stay open. Morgan gave them information on a grant through the state that she felt they would be good candidates for. Morgan also gave Haun information for applying for a grant through Fremont County Tourism Commission.

At 12:30 p.m. Morgan made a motion authorizing Chairman Hickey to sign a Payment Voucher for IDOT with HGM Associates on Project #BRS-CO-36(60)--60-36. Bartholomew, aye; Morgan, aye; Hickey, aye.

The board approved the County Recorder’s Monthly Report.

In other business, payroll and claims were approved for December 14, 2012.

At 1:07 p.m. there being no further business, Morgan made a motion to adjourn. Bartholomew, aye; Morgan, aye; Hickey, aye.


Fremont County Auditor                                                                                 Randy Hickey, Chairman

December 18, 2012:

At 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, December 18, 2012, a department head meeting was held in the Fremont County Courthouse Boardroom.  Present were Randy Hickey, Bart Bartholomew, Karen Berry, Jennifer McAllister, Mike Crecelius, Dennis Henneman, Danny Toma, Kevin Aistrope, Arnold Emberton and Joan Kirk.  Some topics discussed were: installing new data cable; trip to Taylor County to see the upgrade with heating/windows; State Jail Inspector; meetings on Redesign of Mental Health, E911 changes and Jail Study. 

The Fremont County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Tuesday, December 18, 2012, in the Fremont County Courthouse Boardroom, with Hickey and Bartholomew present.  A quorum was declared and the meeting officially called to order at 9:00 a.m.  Minutes of the previous Board session were read and approved.  The agenda was approved as posted.

Let the records show Morgan was not present for this meeting. 

At 9:00 a.m. Danelle Bruce, CPC, met with the board to discuss Mental Health Redesign.   Bruce said she wanted to clarify what pooling the money meant, because it is easily misunderstood.  Bruce said options are to pool only state dollars, opposed to mental health fund, state funds or mental health reserves.  Hickey feels we should just pool state money for now until we see what the state is going to do.  Bruce said we are not slated to get state money at this time.  Bartholomew made a motion to just pool state funding money.  Bartholomew, aye; Hickey aye.      

At 9:15 a.m. Motion was made by Bartholomew to approve the following Resolution 2012-41.  Bartholomew, aye; Hickey aye.  


BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Fremont County Board of Supervisors this 18th day of December, 2012 that the following holidays shall be observed by the Fremont County Courthouse Offices during the 2013-year.

New Year's Day                       Tuesday                    January 1, 2013
President's Day                      
 Monday                     February 18, 2013
Good Friday                             Friday                     
 March 29, 2013
Memorial Day                         
 Monday                    May 27, 2013
Independence Day               
     Thursday                   July 4, 2013
Labor Day                             
   Monday                    September 2, 2013
Veterans Day                         
  Monday                    November 11, 2013
       Thursday                   November 28, 2013
     Friday                       November 29, 2013
    Wednesday              December 24, 2013
     Thursday                  December 25, 2013

At 9:20 a.m. Renee Von Bokern, via phone, discussed Union bargaining regarding the Sheriff’s Department.

At 9:50 a.m. Dan Davis, Engineer, met with the board for approval of the following.  Motion was made by Bartholomew authorizing Chairman Hickey sign IDOT Payment Voucher with HGM Associates for Project #ER-CO-36(63)--58-36.  Bartholomew, aye; Hickey aye.    

At 10:00 a.m. Judy Meyer, President of the Board of Trustees, with the Sidney Library, met with the board requesting the board’s approval of Mike Lundy of Riverton to the Library Board.  Motion was made by Bartholomew approving Mike Lundy to the Library Board.  Bartholomew, aye; Hickey aye.  

At 10:10 a.m. Motion was made by Bartholomew to approve Class C/Living Quarters/Sunday Sale Liquor License for Skyline Sportsman’s Club, LLC.  Bartholomew, aye; Hickey aye.  

At 10:15 a.m. Danny Toma, Maintenance, met with the board requesting approval for carpet repair in the Judge’s Chambers, and carpet for the Magistrate’s Office.  Bartholomew made a motion to approve the purchase.  Bartholomew, aye; Hickey aye.  

At 10:30 a.m. there being no further business, Bartholomew made a motion to adjourn.  Bartholomew, aye; Hickey aye.  


Fremont County Auditor                                                            Randy Hickey, Chairman

Motion to approve made by Bartholomew.


/s/ Joan Kirk                                                                                /s/ Randy Hickey, Chairman      aye
Fremont County Auditor                                                                /s/ Bart Bartholomew                aye
                                                                                                   /s/ Cara Morgan                        absent

December 19, 2012:  

The Fremont County Board of Supervisors met in special session on Wednesday, December 19, 2012, in the Fremont County Courthouse Boardroom, with Hickey & Bartholomew present.  A quorum was declared and the meeting officially called to order at 10:01 a.m. The agenda was approved as posted.

Let the records show Morgan was not present for this meeting. 

Motion was made by Bartholomew authorizing Chairman Hickey to sign contract with Evans Inspection Service, Inc. for asbestos survey and monitoring of abatement of flood damaged properties in Fremont County. Bartholomew, aye; Hickey, aye.

At 10:02 a.m. there being no further business, Bartholomew made a motion to adjourn. Bartholomew, aye; Hickey, aye.


Fremont County Auditor                                                            Randy Hickey, Chairman

December 26, 2012:

The Fremont County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Wednesday, December 26, 2012, in the Fremont County Courthouse Boardroom, with Hickey, Bartholomew and Morgan present. A quorum was declared and the meeting officially called to order at 9:00 a.m. Minutes of the previous Board session were read and approved. The agenda was approved as posted.

At 9:00 a.m. Danelle Bruce, CPC, met with the board requesting to keep the same pay rate for an employee that is going to part-time for three months. The board approved the same pay rate. Bruce also wanted to know if the employee could keep full health benefits. The board said the employee handbook does not allow part-time employees to have full time benefits. Bruce was supplied with contact information for a BC/BS sponsor to see if the employee may want to talk to them to see what may be available to her during her part-time service.

Bruce was also requesting the board to raise salaries on mental health workers to compare more closely with Pottawattamie County. Morgan asked how those salaries compared with some of the local counties, for instance Page County. Bruce said she would check with Page County and get back to the board.

Bruce also asked if a new hire could take a week of vacation that has been paid for before starting work for Fremont County. The board said it is the County’s policy to leave that up to the department supervisor, because they would have knowledge of whether they could do without the position for a week, but it would have to be unpaid as stated in the handbook.

At 9:15 a.m. Lee Ryherd, Assistant Engineer, met with the board requesting approval of Work in ROW Permit with Harold Hinz to control water erosion by having a burr with inlet & running tile to the existing creek. Motion was made by Morgan authorizing the Chairman to sign Work in ROW Permit. Morgan, aye; Bartholomew, aye; Hickey aye.

At 9:30 a.m. Motion was made by Morgan to approve the following Resolution 2012-42. Morgan, aye; Bartholomew, aye; Hickey aye.


BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Fremont County Board of Supervisors this 26th day of December, 2012, that the following transfer of funds be approved and made: $5,547.31 from the TIF Rebate Fund, to the LMI Assistance Fund, as stated in the Waubonsie Ridge Agreement.

Motion to approve transfer made by Morgan.


/s/ Joan Kirk                                                                                /s/ Randy Hickey, Chairman      aye
Fremont County Auditor                                                                /s/ Bart Bartholomew                aye
                                                                                                   /s/ Cara Morgan                        aye

In other business, payroll and claims for December 28, 2012, were approved.

Sheriff Reports for August, September, October and November 2012 were approved.

At 10:15 a.m. there being no further business, Morgan made a motion to adjourn. Morgan, aye; Bartholomew, aye; Hickey aye.


Fremont County Auditor                                                                                 Randy Hickey, Chairman


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